
Our Story

Our Life Venture

CustomWaxNSeals and MyPersonalJewellery

The Design Station Ltd was born quite by chance, after initially selling a few wax seals and sealing wax made by Stuart Houghton Ltd, I decided to produce my own wax seal stamps. The stamp heads were originally engineering by my brother - Alan Hadley now of  GETi Ltd (a leading supplier of Titanium Wedding rings), and my father (John Norman Hadley - now sadly no longer with us).  Hence the start of our first company CustomWaxNSeals now being run by our daughter and her husband  ( Sam and Tom ).

Now it is time for myself and John to slow down (a little), with our sister company venture (started six years ago and now flourishing in it's own right) MyPersonalJewellery, now already a leading supplier of Custom handmade signet rings, cufflinks, pendants and wedding bands and continuing to grow each day.   With the delivery of our new Sisma Laser coming from Italy - the sky's the limit......  |  findaweddingsupplier


The Design Station Ltd  (trading as My Personal Jewellery)
is a family run business based in beautiful Shropshire
 (or to all my International customers - central England)


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